Salesforce Interview Questions : Company 10
- do kbnow about change data capture?
- order of event propagation in component event?
- which interface you use to access the rcord id in lightning component?
- can we restrict the visibility of a component to only few lighting record pages?
- can you explain me default phase in application event?
- by default apex class used in lightning component is with sharing or without sharing?
- what is record lock error?
- how do you prevent this?
- how many callouts you can do in batch apex?
- what is mixed dml error?
- how do you prevent this error?
- best practices when you write the triggers?
- did you work on flows?
- to deploy flows do we need test coverage?
- what is the use of named credentials?
- does salesforce allow basic authentication?
- what are custom permissions?
- does process builder/flows runs in system more or user mode?
- what are macros and why they are exactly used?
- do you know about entitlement process?
- what is view state error? what is the limit?
- what is the difference between javascript remoting and action function?
- we have 3 objects a,b,c. b and c are child for a. we have check boxes on a,b and c. when checkboxex updated as true on b and c then only it should update on a.