Scrum details and interview topics

Scrum is an agile framework



  • Product owner
  • Scrum master - agile coach
  • Team member


Product backlog - list of stock that needs to get done from a business standpoint

This consists of all the features, functions, requirements, enhancements and fixes

These are broken down into user stories



PO creates the product backlog

PO knows what we are supposed to deliver and what business goals to deliver and business value


Prioritize - highest business value or highest business risk


Product backlog is the shield between team and business stakeholders.

Stakeholders - managers, legal and complience, users and many more





1st thing to decide is how long sprint is going to be

Maximum of 4 weeks not more than that

Mostly common is 2 weeks


Sprint planning : PO to present product backlog so that highest priority items are picked by some conversation to check capacity and dependencies so that dependencies can be picked

Final commit from the team finalizes the sprint backlog


For the duration of the sprint a sprint backlog cannot be modified


Standup/daily scrum - every 24 hours

This is a commitment meeting, team member mentions, what was done yesterday, what is planned for today and any blockers(important as commitment might get impacted)


At the end of a sprint we get a potentially shippable product, i.e. sprint backlog is done


Sprint review: all stakeholders get a demo of the work done during the sprint

Get feedback from stakehjolders to team

We inspect the product

Points that come out of this meeting will goto product backlog


Retrospective meeting: important meeting for an agile coach.

We inspect the process, how we work together

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