Use the Wire Service to Get Data
- @wire in a component's JavaScript class used for LDS wire adapter.
- Data provisioned by wire service is always a new copy and cannot be modified directly. We need to make a local copy to make changes to it.(Immutable)
- wire service is reactive. If a reactive variable changes, the wire service provisions new data.
- Each record provisioned is a newer version of the value that precedes it.
- The LDS wire adapters are built on User Interface API resources and live in the lightning/ui*Api modules.
- Each wire adapter provides different Salesforce data and metadata, from individual records and lists of records, to object and layout schema.
Wire Service Syntax
Get Record Data
- As discussed above, importing module "lightning/uiRecordApi" to get record data is primary
- Generally we give "getRecord", as the adaptorId.
- As part of adaptor config we pass fields so that wire adaptor know what are the fields to retrieve.
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